#.Reward customers loyalty, Ask them to a loyalty card
Loyalty points program is the perfect way to reward customers for their loyalty. The basic idea is every time they make a purchase using loyalty card, they’ll build up points that can be used in exchange with your product or service in the form discount.
It is a simple idea that will attract your customers come back and continue to spend more with you.
#. Provide Personalized or Customized experience.
People want the products that cater to individual wants and needs. Bain & Co. survey 2013 estimated, that 25-30 percent of consumers want to customize their purchases.
For example, A) Converse and Nike provide their customer the ability to build their own shoes along with deciding the colors and patterns. B) BMW Car manufacturing company let buyers craft their own car. etc…
#. Addictive product that forms habbit.
An “addictive” product doesn’t mean to be something that people physically crave, or something on which they are emotionally dependent, example: Instagram or WhatsApp.
It could be something that is so much fun,they can’t live a day without it.
The main idea is to inspire joy in the customer, to such an extent, they have to keep coming for it, they just can’t help it.
#. Target potentials customers.
Market your product to everyone within reach, it’s very easy, but equally ineffective. The better way is to determine your ideal customers, and then focus your marketing and advertising towards those customers only.
You will serve them better, new customers you do bring in will be more likely to stick with you because your products and services are what they are looking for.
#. Don’t think customers are stupid.
Many customer services, make one mistake by is insulting customer’s intelligence on an assumiption that they won’t be able to understand the service or the explanations thereof.
Everything should be clear and easy to understand, customers get upset by talking down to them in any of correspondence.
#. Give them a feel to come back.
Giving customers an incentive to buy from you again, the incentive doesn’t have to be monetary always. A human touch might be the reason what they’re coming back for. For an example, if your staff treats each customer with consideration, like a friend, this could have a powerful impact.
One of the things that really stands out to people is your Customer support team gets connected with customers, while still providing expert service.
send them notes, show your customers that they matter.
#. Give them an opportunity to be part of a community.
Whether you have a healthy following on social media where customers have the opportunity to comment on your products, or a loyalty program that they can sign up for or subscribe to—the sense of belonging to a community is a great way to keep customers.
#. Offer an easy way to contact you, and prompt quickly on their queries.
Create a channels through which your customers can reach you, to give them a way to tell you all their feedback and questions, even they might send you a compliment sometimes!
If your customers contact to you, they might decide they’re dissatisfied with your service. For some customers it doesn’t take much, to be dissatisfied or agitated.
#. Give best possible customer experience.
Make sure that your customers’ overall experience is as good as it possibly can be. This involves a variety of elements, but among the most important ones are: Great service, great website or store design, quick and clear purchasing, and follow-up support.