The best investment of your cash can anytime crash but the best investment of your brain will give you the highest gain.
It is the only formula for the financial stability of your business. This formula is divided into compounding inflation and compounding growth.
Compounding inflation reduces the buying and purchasing capacity of the people and the actual value of money.

Inflation is not just cutting your return on investment but also inducing your negative growth.
If we take an example of an organizational chart of a car manufacturing company, there is a band of supervisors, assistant managers, deputy managers & managers, senior managers & assistant general manager, deputy general managers & managers, vice-presidents, functional directors, and a chairman.

There should be a compounding growth to decline compounding inflation.
Supervisors can reach the post of a chairman of a company using a strategy of out of turn promotion and not by turn by turn promotion.
And only the formula of investment of your brain can give out of turn promotion in your designation.
See You in the Next Blog, Bye